… are a senior freelance creative team who specialise in work for good causes.
We’ve spent most of our careers creating work that inspires people to fight poverty, injustice, abuse and disease, In that time, we have
helped to raise millions of pounds for the causes we’ve represented.
We’re a team who share a genuine love of the craft of advertising. We’ve worked hard over the years to master our respective disciplines
of art direction and copywriting so we can bring our ideas to life in beautiful, emotive and persuasive ways.
Sometime during the last century, Simon could be found lurking around a train track in the dead of night with a bag of spray paint and – after
one or two court appearances – it was decided that the best place for him was in an advertising agency, as a visualiser. Following a couple of
years of crafted tuition from one of JWT’s finest, he hotfooted it to London as an art director and was put to work on pitches and daily toil for
pretty much everything from posh cars to computers, from investment banks to airlines.
Fast forward a few more years and a few more agencies and he could be found creating work for some of the country’s largest charities –
as a head of art at Whitewater, creative director at Bluefrog and creative director of fundraising at Arthur.
Robbie found himself in advertising after realising he was never going to make a living as a songwriter. A successful copy test and a slice
of good fortune landed him a copywriting job at WWAV Rapp Collins – then, Europe’s largest direct marketing agency. He was instinctively drawn
towards the agency’s fundraising accounts which, at the time, included NSPCC, Oxfam, Cancer Research UK and RSPCA. After beating a few
long-standing controls and landing a few notable pitches, he made group head at 26 and creative director at 32. He has since worked at
a number of leading integrated and integrated agencies in London and Bristol.
The work on this site is a selection of pieces we have created over the years as a team and individually at various agencies.
It includes the input of many of other creatives, planners, clients, account people, producers, illustrators and directors.